Watch Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Online, The mayhem that ensues over the following 24-hour period is filmed at a breakneck pace by Arteta, flying from one catastrophe to the next, and it's all reminiscent of Robert Burns' famous line: "The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft agley." The Cooper family goes "aft agley" en masse.

Alexander stands back, watching the mayhem with dismay. What has he done? All of the actors are totally game with the material, which includes broad slapstick and moments of sheer emotional panic. There's a scene where Jennifer Garner pedals a bike furiously down the sidewalk, wearing a power suit and a helmet, screaming at people to get out of her way that is as screwball as the film gets. She's a wonderful comedienne (always has been), awkward and emotional, and the stakes for her character are life-and-death. Her boss, played hilariously by Megan Mullally, is imperious, sarcastic, and unforgiving. There's a cameo by Dick Van Dyke that is completely absurd. Steve Carell manages to bring the anxiety of our current times into his role as a guy who has to bring his wailing baby to job interviews, and wonders if he will ever find his way again.
The sense of collective mania is the film's strongest point. There are a couple of vignettes that don't play as well as they should (the disastrous school play being an example), but then the film gets back on track, and suddenly Steve Carell is wearing a pirate shirt with the sleeves catching on fire, and everyone looks around panicking, "What the heck has happened to our family? Will this day never end?"
The lesson is here, as it was in the book: everyone has bad days and the bad days will pass; tomorrow is another day. Things may seem bleak, and Philip Parker may strut around like the Fonz, but it's best, when at all possible, to learn how to laugh at the bad times. In Arteta's smart and funny film adaptation, it is not just Alexander who has to learn that lesson. Everyone needs the reminder.
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