Genre: and Written | Runtime: 114 minutes Minutes
Also Generally known as: n/A
Aspect Relation: 2. thirty-five: 1
Budget: n/A
Release Time frame: 24 July 2014 (USA)
Runtime: 114 min
Directors: n/A
Rating: 7. 9
Color: n/A
Countries: n/A
Company: n/A
Creators: n/A
Description: A documentarian along with a press reporter travel to Hong Kong to the to begin several get togethers with Edward Snowden.
Cast (limited to be able to 5): n/A
Cast since URL (default tied to 20): n/A
Genres: and Documentary
Languages: n/A
Location: n/A
Opening Weekend: n/A
Plot (shortened to be able to one humdred and fifty chars): In The month of january 2013, Laura Poitras started off getting unknown encrypted e-mails via "CITIZENFOUR, inch whom advertised to have proof of illegitimate covert…
Poster: posters/4044364. jpg
Seasons: n/A
Sound Blend: n/A
Tagline: n/A
Title: Citizenfour
Url: http: //www. imdb. com/title/tt4044364/
Votes: 245
Writers: n/A
Year: 2014
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